예시문) 영어일기 및 에세이 샘플 30 (하루에 몇끼나 드세요?)
How many meals do you eat per day? 하루에 몇끼나 드세요? Let me think… I think I eat three
How many meals do you eat per day? 하루에 몇끼나 드세요? Let me think… I think I eat three
What do you do right before you go to sleep? 잠자기 직전에 하는것은 무엇인가요? I think I take a
Tell me about the first thing you do in the morning 아침에 일어나서 하는 가장 먼저 하는 것은?
Do you have a foreign friend? 외국인 친구가 있나요? Before I was able to speak English, I didn’t
Do you prefer markets to supermarkets? 슈퍼마켓보다 시장을 더 선호하나요? I like both, because they feel different. But
Do you often dream? 꿈을 자주 꾸시나요? I think I dream every night when I’m asleep. Sometimes I vividly
Do you often use public transportation? 대중교통을 자주 사용하시나요? When I didn’t have a car, I always
Do you like going to a buffet? 뷔페 가는것을 좋아하나요? Many people say there aren’t many things to enjoy at
Do you prefer beaches or mountains? 해변이 좋아요 산이 좋아요? Whenever I travel to Asia, my friends ask
Do you like red meat? Or do you like raw fish? 고기가 좋아요? 회가 좋아요? When I was younger, I
If you went to a desert island and could only take two things, what would you take? 무인도에 가게 될
Do you like drinking alcohol? 술 마시는걸 좋아하세요? I don’t like drinking alcohol, I can instantly answer this question
What is the most difficult part in terms of learning English? 영어를 배울 때 가장 어려운 부분은 무엇입니까?
Do you like drinking coffee? 커피 마시는것을 좋아하나요? I didn’t like drinking coffee when I was a student,
Do you eat breakfast? 아침을 드시나요? I try not to skip breakfast, especially before I go to work. Because if
Do you like Western food or do you like Korean food? 서양식음식이 좋아요? 한식이 좋아요? I
Do you like maths or do you like English?, which do you prefer? 수학이 좋아요? 영어가 좋아요? 어떤게 더 좋으세요? When
Do you like cooking? 요리하는거 좋아하세요? I am not a big fan of cooking, because I don’t like
What is your favourite weather? And tell me why 가장좋아하는 날씨는 무엇인가요? 이유를 말해보세요 I love spring and fall, as
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