예시문) 영어일기 및 에세이 샘플91 (영어 이외에 어떤 언어를 배우고 싶으세요?)
If you had to learn another language apart from English, which language would you like to learn? 영어 이외에 다른
If you had to learn another language apart from English, which language would you like to learn? 영어 이외에 다른
If you could build your own house, what kind of house would you like to live in? 집을 지을 수
***영어일기 첨삭에 참여하시는 분들 중 예시문에 사용된 제목을 그대로 사용하실 경우 하루 글자수(250혹은 500)에 해당되지 않기 때문에 제목을 생략하고 보내지
Do you believe in ghosts? 귀신이 존재 한다고 믿나요? No, I don’t. I don’t think there is such
What do you usually do when your body aches all over? 몸살 걸렸을 때 보통 뭘 하시나요? First of all,
Tell me one of the fairy tales you know 알고 있는 동화 중 한편을 이야기해주세요 A long time ago, there
When you go to a coffee shop, what do you usually order? 커피숍에 가시면 어떤걸 주로 주문하세요? I used to
Tell me about the most memorable day in your life. 삶에서 가장 기억에 남는 날에 대해 말해주세요 There are
Would you like to have a stranger from another country live in your home for a while? 다른 나라에서 온
***영어일기 첨삭에 참여하시는 분들 중 예시문에 사용된 제목을 그대로 사용하실 경우 하루 글자수(250혹은 500)에 해당되지 않기 때문에 제목을 생략하고 보내지
If you could be a rich and famous celebrity, would you choose that lifestyle? 만약 돈과 명성을 가진 유명인이 될
If you could be born again in another country, which country would you choose? 만약 다른나라에서 다시 태어날 수 있다면,
Do you know how to swim? 수영 할 줄 아세요? I know how to swim. I did swimming lessons every
When was the last time you saw a doctor? 마지막으로 병원간게 언제에요? I seriously don’t remember the last time I
How often do you see a dentist? 얼마나 자주 치과에 가시나요? I hate to go to a dental clinic because
If you found 1 million won on the street by accident, what would you do? 우연히 길에서 백만원을 발견한다면? 어떻게
If you were going to see your friend so you got dressed up and were ready to go out, but
If you missed your bus just now and had to wait for an hour, what would you do? 방금 막
How often do you clean your room? 얼마나 자주 방을 치우세요? This year I made new year’s resolutions which included
What is the hardest part time job you have ever had? 가장 힘들었던 알바에 대해서 말해주세요 When I was 20
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