예시문) 영어일기 및 에세이 샘플131 (은행에 얼마나 자주 가세요?)
How often do you go to a bank? 은행에 얼마나 자주 가세요? I don’t really go to a bank
How often do you go to a bank? 은행에 얼마나 자주 가세요? I don’t really go to a bank
Have you ever got pimples on your face? 얼굴에 여드름 난 적 있으세요? Yes I have. When I was
Do you like eating ice cream? 아이스크림 좋아 하세요? I like eating ice cream when I feel like sweet
What do you like to do on the day you get salary? 월급날 뭘 하는걸 좋아하세요? On the day I
Tell me the last time you met a friend 마지막으로 친구를 만난 적은 언제인가요? The last time I met
Is your handwriting pretty? 예쁜 손글씨를 가지셨나요? My handwriting isn’t pretty. I don’t know why, but I just don’t
Do you like ironing? 다림질 하는 걸 좋아하세요? I can answer this question without hesitating for a second.
How often do you use email? 이메일을 얼마나 자주 사용하시나요? Very often. I use it every day. I opened my
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) If you could be any animal, what would you be and
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) What’s your favourite hot drink? Why? 가장 좋아하는 뜨거운 음료는
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) When you were a child, what was your favourite game? It
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) Do you have any superstitions? What are they? 미신을 믿으세요? 어떤
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) Do you like DIY (Do-it-yourself repairs or improvements in your home)?
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) Do you have a garden? If so, please tell me
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) Can you remember a great teacher you had? What did
What ideas or attitudes do your parents or grandparents have that you agree with and disagree with? 부모님이나 (외)조부님의 생각이나
If you could live in any period in the past, when would you like to live? 과거의 어떤 시기에도 살아
영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) If you were the president, what would you change in
Are you sensitive to heat or cold? Which one can you tolerate better? 더위 혹은 추위에 민감하시나요? 어떤것에 더 잘
How often do you watch TV? 얼마나 자주 텔레비전을 시청하시나요? Once I start watching TV, I usually spend at least
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