Do you like horror movies? 무서운 영화 좋아하세요?


When I was a high school student, I enjoyed watching horror movies with my friends. And then I seriously had trouble falling asleep every night for a while. I am scared of ghosts, so I don’t enjoy watching them anymore. But during summer there are many horror movies which are very tempting. Strangely usually horror movies are not even very satisfying. I remembered the last time I went to a theater to watch a horror movie, I was very disappointed with it, so I felt like I wasted my money. So I don’t think I will ever watch a horror movie again, even if it is for free.


고등학생이었을 때, 무서운 영화를 친구들과 함께 보는것을 즐겼어요. 그러고 나서 한동안 심각하게 밤에 잠드는데 고생했죠. 저는 귀신을 무서워해요, 그래서 무서운 영화는 더는 즐기지 않아요. 그러나 여름철에는 끌리는 무서운 영화들이 많아요. 이상하게 무서운 영화는 만족감이 없어요. 영화관에 마지막으로 무서운 영화를 보러 간게 기억나요. 영화는 굉장히 실망스러웠고, 돈낭비한거 같았어요. 그래서 무서운 영화를 결코 다시 볼것같진 않아요. 공짜라고 해도 싫어요.


Must remember expressions 

  1. I enjoyed watching horror movies 무서운 영화 보는것을 즐겼다
  2. I seriously had trouble falling asleep 심각하게 잠드기 어려웠다
  3. for a while 잠시동안
  4. I was very disappointed with it

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