영국인 교수님 일기 예시문 (written by an English professor) 

Have you ever had clothes made by a tailor?  What did you get?

재단사에 의한 만들어진 맞춤옷을 입어본적 있으세요? 어떤 옷을 맞추셨나요?


When I went on holiday to Thailand, I found a tailor shop next to the beach. I was very surprised about this. I decided to have a look just for fun. I was amazed to see that the quality of the clothes there was very good. I decided to buy two suits made of cashmere. I also got some shirts for work. It was a wonderful experience because I could choose the exact colours and features I wanted, for example how many pockets. Because I was in Thailand, the price was very reasonable, in fact it was about 90 US dollars for a whole tailored suit made of cashmere. I would like to have clothes made by a tailor again, because the clothes were exactly what I wanted.

태국에 여행 갔을 때, 해변 옆에 맞춤양복점을 발견했어요. 깜짝 놀라서 그냥 재미로 한번 구경 가봤는데요. 그곳의 옷의 질을 보고 정말 감탄했어요. 그래서 캐시미어로 만든 정장 두벌을 사기로 결정했죠. 출근할 때 입을 수 있는 셔츠도 몇 개 샀어요.  주머니는 몇개 달것인지와 같은 제가 원하는 정확한 색상이나 모양을 고를 수 있었기 때문에 정말 좋은 경험이었어요.  태국 이였기 때문에 가격도 합리적이었어요. 캐시미어로 만들어진 맞춤형 정장 한 벌이 미국 달러로 단돈 90불 정도였거든요. 재단사에 의해서 만들어진 옷을 다시 사고 싶어요, 그 정장들이 정확하게 제가 원하는 옷 들이었거든요.


Must remember expressions


  1. I went on holiday to Thailand 태국으로 여행 갔다
  2. a tailor shop 맞춤양복점
  3. have a look 둘러보다 
  4. I was amazed 감탄했다
  5. made of cashmere 캐쉬미어로 만들어진
  6. reasonable 합리적인
문장구조 팁 !
I was amazed to see that ABC was very good. (옷의 질이 너무 좋은것을 보고 감탄했어요) 
ABC = The quality of the clothes there


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