Tell me three things that have gone well today
오늘 순조롭게 잘 된 일 3가지 말씀해 주세요
I heard that if every day you write three things you appreciate or that have gone well, it is helpful, makes you happier and even treats depression. First, I didn’t have any trouble coming to work, there was no traffic and I did not sleep late. So my morning was not stressful. Second, it did not rain even though the weather forecast said it was going to. So I didn’t need to get soaked by the rain. It would have been awful if it had rained, because I didn’t have an umbrella. The last thing is I appreciate that the food I had for lunch in a restaurant which I randomly chose was very good. I was a bit worried before it was served, but after I had eaten the first bite, I realised that it was a great choice.
매일 3가지 감사하는 일, 혹은 순조롭게 잘 진행된 일에 대해서 적는 것이 도움이 된다고 들었어요. 더 행복하게 만들어주고 심지어는 우울증도 치료해준다네요. 첫번째로 직장에 오는데 전혀 문제가 없었어요. 교통정체도 없었고 늦잠도 자지 않았어요. 오늘아침은 스트레스 없이 시작했어요. 두번째로는 일기 예보에서는 비가 온다고 했지만 오늘 비가 오지 않았어요. 그래서 비에 젖지 않아도 되었죠. 비가 왔더라면 끔찍할 뻔 했어요, 우산이 없었거든요. 마지막으로 제가 감사한 것은 식당에서 먹은 점심, 제가 무작위로 선택했는데도 너무 좋았어요. 음식이 제공되기 전에는 조금 걱정했었는데 한 숟가락 먹자마자 훌륭한 선택이라는 걸 깨달았어요. ㅎ
Must remember expressions
- three things that have gone well 순조롭게 잘 진행된 세가지
- appreciate 감사하다
- treat 치료하다
- depression 우울증
- weather forecast 일기예보
- awful 끔찍한