When was the last time you saw a doctor?
마지막으로 병원간게 언제에요?
I seriously don’t remember the last time I saw a doctor. I don’t really see a doctor unless I feel really sick. I think the last time I saw a doctor was probably when I had a stomach problem. I have such a delicate stomach, so I often have stomach issues like indigestion or food poisoning. I believe it was almost eight months ago. My stomach has got so much better recently as I have learnt not to upset my stomach by eating healthy food. I hope I won’t need to see a doctor for a long long time.
정말로 마지막으로 병원을 간게 기억나지 않아요. 정말 아플때 아니고서는 병원을 잘 가지 않아요. 아마도 마지막으로 병원가서 의사 선생님을 뵌 적은 위에 문제가 있었을 때 인거 같아요. 위가 너무 약해서 소화불량이나 식중독 같은 문제가 위에 종종 발생해요. 그때가 거의 여덟 달 전인거 같아요. 최근에 위가 매우 괜찮아 졌는데 건강식을 먹음으로써 위에 부담주지 않는것을 배웠거든요. 오랜시간 동안 병원갈 필요가 없길 바라요.
Must remember expressions
- When was the last time 마지막이 언제였어요?
- I feel really sick 정말 아프다
- I had a stomach problem 위에 문제가 있었다
- indigestion 소화불량
- by eating healthy food 건강식을 먹음으로써