What is the hardest part time job you have ever had?
가장 힘들었던 알바에 대해서 말해주세요
When I was 20 years old, I got a job in a pub and worked from 10pm to 6am for a month during winter vacation. It was the hardest job I have ever had in my whole life. Not only was it physically tough, mentally it was also very tiring. The staff were good people, so I had fun chatting with them at work, but the manager was very nasty. He picked on the members of staff, which of course included me. I still don’t understand why I put up with that treatment, but I definitely appreciate my current job compared to that job.
20살 때 맥줏집에서 아르바이트 했어요. 저녁 10시부터 새벽 6시까지 겨울방학 동안 한달동안 근무하였는데 제 삶에서 가장 힘들었던 직업이었어요. 신체적으로도 힘들었지만 정신적으로도 굉장히 피곤했어요. 같이 근무하는 스태프들은 좋은 사람들이라서 일터에서 같이 이야기도 나누면서 재밌게 보냈지만 매니저가 못된 사람이었어요. 저를 포함한 스텝 멤버들을 괴롭혔는데 여전히 그때 왜 그런 대접을 참았는지 이해가 안 돼요. 그러나 그 때의 아르바이트와 비교하여 현재의 일을 감사히 여겨요.
Must remember expressions
- from 10pm to 6am 저녁 10시부터 새벽6시까지
- during winter vacation 겨울방학 동안
- It was the hardest job 가장 어려운 직업이었다
- put up with ~을 참다, 견디다
- I appreciate my current job 현재의 직업을 감사히 여기다